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Leaving was Just the Beginning

On the cusp of womanhood, Mary breaks from the protective shadow of her parents. Her father’s career as a British Army Royal Engineer had settled the family in Military Camps in Ceylon, England, Ireland and British North America, instilling in Mary a wanderlust for distant lands.

In 1879, shortly after her eighteenth birthday, Mary falls under the spell of a soldier, nine years her senior. With the naïve confidence of youth, she encourages the romance, eager to leave her ever-watchful parents. Soon after the couple wed, Mary experiences a harsh reality when the military assigns the regiment to India. The allure of independence and the anticipated adventure of moving to the exotic crown jewel of the Empire come with consequences. Facing the challenges of this vastly different environment, in the absence of the support of her family, Mary must find the means, courage and faith to overcome many obstacles, never certain of when or if she will return home.

Dive into the vivid descriptions and follow the rise and fall of Mary’s emotions as she navigates her path.

Will she find the strength to embrace her newfound independence, or will she be consumed by the shadows of loneliness and despair?

Through triumph and tribulation, Mary’s journey serves as a timeless reminder of the enduring power of the human spirit.

"Mary, the protagonist, manages to hold her family together in a land half a world away from friends and family. Indeed, she was a courageous woman. I liked the vivid descriptions" - Ann Ward

One Woman's Journey to India






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